The Influence of Social Media on Purchasing Decisions


  • Gatot Wijayanto Universitas Riau
  • Jushermi Jushermi Universitas Riau
  • Arwinence Pramadewi Universitas Riau
  • Arini Novandalina Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Semarang
  • Yutiandry Rivai Institut Bisnis Dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia


Purchase Decisions, Product Quality, Social Media


Consumer decision-making is an integration process that uses information to assess and choose one of two or more alternative actions. This integration process yields a choice, which is presented cognitively as a desire to act. The fall in sales over the last two years undermines this study. This drop in sales is attributed to the absence of social media, which corresponds to the 6C: context, content, community, customization, communication, commerce, and connection, as well as changes in consumer perception of product quality, which leads to a decrease in purchasing decisions.According to the findings of this study, customers rate the usage of social media and product quality as pretty excellent, and they


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How to Cite

Gatot Wijayanto, Jushermi Jushermi, Arwinence Pramadewi, Arini Novandalina, & Yutiandry Rivai. (2024). The Influence of Social Media on Purchasing Decisions . Epsilon : Journal of Management (EJoM), 2(1), 28–34. Retrieved from